Malware targeting the Android OS is not new, exactly. However, recently a new malware aimed at Android devices has made headlines. The Indian govt has cautioned people about the malware named DogeRAT. As per the updates, it is capable of compromising sensitive data and enabling hackers smooth access to the infected Android devices. An advisory has been released by the CGDA, the Ministry of Defense. The malware has now been categorized as a Remote Access Trojan.
As per the reports, the DogeRAT malware masquerades as a legitimate mobile app. It is designed to camouflage as popular mobile apps like YouTube, Opera Mini, and Netflix so that users get little chance to suspect. Once it seeps into the device of an unsuspecting user, the malware gets smooth access to important data including banking details, contacts, and messages. The hackers start using spam messages, make payments and record keystrokes. The open-source malware also jeopardizes user privacy by recording audio and tracking locations.
The Defence Ministry advises Android users to refrain from downloading apps from any third-party sources of dubious reputation. Also, evade clicking links sent by unknown senders in WhatsApp and similar chat apps. As always, users should update their devices with the latest security patches to enhance their defense against such malware. DogeRAT was earlier spotted by the TRIAD team of CloudSEK, an AI company.